Building PySim on Linux

To build PySim on Linux you need:
  • Python 3

  • Cython

  • NumPy

  • The Boost libraries

  • The Eigen c++ library

To run the test you will need
  • pytest

  • pytest-runner

And to build the documention you will need
  • sphinx

  • sphinx-rtd-theme

Getting the source

The source for pysim can be checked out from github by typing

git clone

which by default will clone the pysim repository into a pysim directory.

Installing the compiler and libraries

You might already have the compilers, boost and eigen libraries installed, but to make sure type (on Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev

Installing the Python dependancies

Python 3 is probably already installed, at least on the latest versions of Ubuntu. The Numpy dependancy takes some time to compile so it is probably easiset to install a pre compiled version by typing:

sudo apt-get install python3-numpy

The rest of the dependancies can be installed through pip by moving to the pysim directory and typing:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Building PySim

To build pysim move to the pysim directory and type:

python3 build_clib

and then

python3 build_ext --inplace

This will build the c++ libraries and put the cython extensions side by side with the python code.


After all cython and c++ modules are built and placed in along the python modules you can use PyTest to test the entire pysim package.

python3 -m pytest

which should give you a result stating the number of tests, the time the testing took, and a final “OK”.

Building the documentation

To build the documentation go to the checked out pysim directort and types

python3 build_sphinx